7714 North Sheridan Road
Chicago, IL 60626

icebergchicago@ gmail.com

Feel Me?

Sadie Barnette (Oakland/Los Angeles), Xandra Ibarra (Oakland), Dylan Mira (Los Angeles), Kristan Kennedy (Portland), and Tina Takemoto (San Francisco)

September 14 – October 13, 2019

Curated by Sampada Aranke

There’s a tiny space between feeling and knowing. Worlds of engagement are possible within that space. In the realm of the social, senses can take over, words feel cliché, histories run up against the present-tense. Feel Me? offers up a few feminist approaches to the sensorial contours of the social. These material manifestations — skin sores, saliva, blood and sweat — and take poetic shape in found and made objects that quietly ask us to reconsider the things we feel and the things we leave behind for others to feel.

Sampada Aranke (PhD, Performance Studies) is an Assistant Professor in the Art History, Theory, Criticism Department at the School of the Art Institute, Chicago. Her research interests include performance theories of embodiment, visual culture, and black cultural and aesthetic theory.


Tempest Hazel, “Sampada Aranke on Care, Black Visual Culture, and the Radicalized Body,” Sixty Inches From Center, 2019.
Jameson Paige, “FEEL ME? // ICEBERG PROJECTS,” The Seen, 2019
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